Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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"Your blood can fight. Become a donor!"

Employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region" once again joined this campaign and held a "donor day" on 07.04.2023. The administrative and managerial staff, medical staff, interns, technical staff, and concerned family members of the employees joined the blood donation. Under martial law, an uninterrupted supply of donated blood and its components is essential. Blood is needed every day for both the Ukrainian military and civilians suffering from Russian shelling.

Any Ukrainian over the age of 18 can become a donor. Among the mandatory requirements: are a body weight of at least 50 kg and no contraindications to donation.

What to do before donating blood:

You should not eat smoked, fried, salty, spicy foods, dairy products, or drink alcoholic beverages the day before;
If a person is taking the medication regularly, he or she should inform the doctor at the blood donation point.
Contraindications to blood donation:

Serious cardiovascular diseases with cardiovascular failure;
Diseases of the central nervous system with severe dysfunction;
A tendency to bleed;
History of syncope or seizures (except for seizures in childhood, or if at least three years have passed since the last time you took anticonvulsants without relapse);
Diabetes mellitus and other moderate to severe endocrine diseases;
Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV/AIDS;
Malignant diseases;
Surgical interventions for resection or amputation of an organ (except for appendectomy, and cholecystectomy) and transplantation of organs and tissues.
Under what conditions you may be temporarily suspended from donation:

If you have had brucellosis, two years must have passed since your full recovery;
Osteomyelitis - two years must have passed since the confirmed recovery;
Ku fever - two years from the date of confirmed recovery;
Syphilis - one year from the date of confirmed recovery;
Toxoplasmosis - six months after the date of clinical recovery;
Tuberculosis - two years after the date of confirmed recovery;
Rheumatic fever - two years from the date of disappearance of symptoms, except in cases of signs of chronic heart disease;
Fever - two weeks from the date of disappearance of symptoms;
Influenza-like diseases - two weeks after the disappearance of symptoms;
Pregnancy - six months after childbirth must pass.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment